A Brand New Day: The YMCA Unveils New Brand Strategy to Further Community Impact
For the first time in 43 years, the YMCA has unveiled a new brand strategy to increase understanding of the impact the nonprofit makes in communities. Through its new brand strategy and framework, the nonprofit will extend its reach into communities to nurture the potential of youth and teens, improve the nation’s health and well-being and provide opportunities to support neighbors. Read moreJuly 12, 2010
Y.M.C.A. Is Downsizing to a Single Letter
One of the nation’s most iconic nonprofit organizations, founded 166 years ago in England as the Young Men’s Christian Association, is undergoing a major rebranding, adopting as its name the nickname everyone has used for generations.UNDATED (WREX) - It's what most people call it already, so the YMCA has decided to change its name to the "Y".
The national organization has decided to officially change its name, however each local YMCA will have the option to keep the old name. The local YMCA's plan to keep their name the same.
And just in case you were worried, the classic Village People song YMCA will not be affected by the national name change.
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